I used the 60-30-10 color rule on my homepage from canva.com and choose the theme ice infinity. Blue Gray
#D9E4EC Misty Blue #B7CFDC Blue Grotto#6AABD2 Misty Blue #385E72. For my accessibility there is a view things that reported problems when inserted into the
AChecker. Accessibility Review, there was 3 reported problems. first the img element is missing alt attribute, which could be added, making my text content more readble and undertandable. On line 48 doument langue was not identified. Lasty
there was some invalid code that came up, Add a valid 2 letter or 3 letter language code as defined in the ISO 639 specification to the HTML 'lang' attribute. For XHTML, both 'lang' and 'xml:lang' must be set.
Error Line 2, Column 1: Not completely sure what that means.